Thank You For Booking With Us

In order to set up a profile for you, to keep track of all your trips and travel preferences I just need a bit of information. Fill out as much of it as you would like and I will keep in on file for all your future bookings to save you time in the future. This helps me learn more about how you like to travel. I’m looking forward to getting to know you more, and helping you see as much of the world as you would like in the coming years!

Traveller 1

Traveller 1 - Date of Birth

Traveller 2

Traveller 2 - Date of Birth
Main address to be on file:
Emergency Contact to be on file

Travel Preferences


Which frequent traveller programs are you signed up for? (Aeroplan, Westjet, SPG, Marriott etc.) Please include the number and I will make sure to add it to any relevant current or future reservation.

Destinations of Interest in the Future

Please let us know which places around the world are on your bucket-list, and I will let you know when we have presentations or specials to your choices.


Please let us know how you like to travel and what your personal interests are and we will let you know when we have presentations or specials which would suit your interests.

Do you usually take cancellation and/or medical protection when travel?

Newsletter Permission